Welcome to RachelShapes HQ.


I'm being published!

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. It’s my absolute pleasure to announce that we have the official release date for my debut poetry collection Little You.


1st May 2019

And it get’s better. I’ve set up a publication page on this site so that you can pre order the book before it is available online or in shops.


Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to get access to pre sale discount codes!

Do you ever feel exhausted trying to be everything to everyone at your own expense?

For me, it’s because I struggle to give enough value to myself and my basic needs.

Little You is a dedication to 4 year old me. When things get too loud and aDuLt, I try to search for the quiet voice of this baby girl. I’m learning to listen to her and protect her. I find that as a young black woman, the world can often expect me to a BIG personality, have HUGE levels of strength, COLOSSAL resilience and an ENORMOUS voice which is incredibly dangerous. As a result, I can often feel robbed of the space and right to be vulnerable, be seen, be still and feel little.

We can’t always be okay. Sometimes we are small and hiding under duvets. Sometimes we feel little and that is perfectly okay.


